Jupiter’s 12 Moons Set New Record in Solar System

The vast universe is always full of stories waiting to be discovered. What was previously known can be changed at any time without limits. Recently, 12 more moons of Jupiter have been announced, making Jupiter already hold two solar system records. That is the largest planet. and has the most moons

Our solar system was originally Saturn has the most moons. The total number is 83, but new data puts Jupiter ahead of Jupiter with 92 moons, with all 12 moons being classified as temporary moons. Instead of the existing 23, there are now 35. In fact, the new set of moons had been detected several years earlier. But with its relatively small size and long orbit around Jupiter, Plus, the orbital path is different from other moons. This makes it difficult to immediately determine if it is a moon or not.

to make it easier for everyone to understand Let me first explain the orbit of the moons of Jupiter. Because the orbit is called only by the distance from Jupiter. The closest ones are called the Galilean Moons, which are the largest and contain only four moons. A little further away are the Prograde Moons. same as Jupiter They are difficult to detect due to the scattered light from Jupiter. The farthest group, known as Retrograde, will orbit opposite Jupiter.

The 12 new moons are now divided into two groups based on their orbital positions. The first group of nine is found in a retrograde orbit with a period around Jupiter of more than 550 days, with the remaining three farther than the prograde orbit. The loop will last more than 340 days. Astronomers speculate that these moons could be interstellar objects. that was attracted by Jupiter until it became a moon

12 moons

until we get a summary of all this information Astronomers need a large number of satellites. And must monitor the movement of the moon for more than 3 years, but with the size of the moon is very small. In addition, the orbit is at risk of colliding with other moons. Therefore, there has not yet been an official name set up. The mastermind of this story is Scott Sheppard, who plays a huge role in the field of astronomy. Has experienced the discovery of the moons of countless planets in the solar system. as well as other objects in space.

ref :  starwalk.space , iflscience