50,000 years back again A green comet that will be seen most clearly tonight.

Called to create excitement for astronomers and people who are very fond of stargazing. When astronomers saw a mysterious star orbiting close to Jupiter since the beginning of the year which at that time was understood to be an asteroid before knowing for sure that it was a green comet later The specialty of this green comet is that it is a star that has visited Earth once. And this time it’s a comeback in 50,000 years. If you miss it, you won’t be able to see it again.

The breaking news is that this evening, February 1, 2023, will be the day when the green comet is closest to Earth. Until being able to appreciate the beauty with the naked eye with a position in the north close to “Usa Minor” and “Usa Major”, which many people may be more familiar with the names of the Crocodile and Plow constellations. And there are also some called Big Dipper and Little Dipper constellations. However, if the sky is clear enough tonight, the comet will be easy to spot. And fortunately for Thai people, our country is still in winter. Most of the sky is clear, without clouds and fog and stars can be seen clearly. Let’s start by looking for the target star group to find it first. Then you will see the location of the green comet on the right side of the constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. along with being lower than the constellation Ursa Minor enough Although the exact time has not been specified. But even having to wait for several hours was worth the spectacle.

Those who already have stargazing equipment Be it binoculars or a telescope. Using these devices will make it easier to locate constellations. And also get to experience the green comet more closely. For those who do not have these devices do not worry. because you can see with the naked eye as well Or if the sky is not really good, you can wait to follow the live broadcast or the news presentation that is expected to happen in the general media for sure.

Before going to see the beauty of the green comet with your own eyes tonight Let’s take a closer look at how special Green Comets are. Comets are composed mainly of dust and ice. has a large diameter The stars emit a dazzling white aura in the center and are surrounded by a green aura. This green is not the actual star color. It’s a chemical reaction in space. in each position watched from the earth It is therefore possible to see different shades of green. And of course, when it is a comet, it will have a long white tail as well.

For those who missed the news or couldn’t prepare in time You don’t have to lose your mind. because we can still see the green comet for a while after this Just as the stargazers saw about 1 week earlier, just not the moment when the comet was closest to Earth. and if you don’t want to miss this special event around the world like this again next time can press to follow our web page There are natural phenomena, strange things and interesting knowledge here. Ready to update to always be up to date as well

Ref : iflscience , nationalworld , liverpoolworld , ameliasamazingspaceadventures