What exactly are cats communicating when they are massaging their owners?

What cat slaves always want to know is the meaning of the various behaviors of their domesticated cats. When the little cat acted strangely or doing certain activities frequently There will always be questions that cats do that, what they want, or what exactly they are communicating. Like the massage that can be found in most cats. Have you ever noticed that each massage is different? and also have different connotations

In fact, cat massaging is a natural behavior. Which all of them will begin to massage when they are kittens. to encourage the mother cat’s milk to flow out easily Along with the release of pheromones that help strengthen the relationship between mother and child. Kittens have scent glands on their paws. This smell communicates to the mother cat that it is her child. And it can also tell about the health of the kitten at that time. As for the mother cat, she also emits an odor. The smell comes from the sebaceous glands around the mammary glands. It’s a scent that, in addition to having a relationship effect, It can also help reduce the aggression of kittens.

In adult cats, they may still be addicted to massage habits. But it will be a massage to communicate to the owner that he wants to participate. want to be a part of society Similar to the interaction in the human social circle itself. However, each cat’s massage stroke may convey different meanings. sometimes showing ownership Sometimes it calls for attention. And sometimes it just tells us that the cat is feeling fine.

Of course, not all cats have this habit. The same is true of human personalities that are both reclusive and sociable. A cat that doesn’t massage will have a specific way of communicating. It may come in the form of a cry, facial expression, or activity. Whether it’s massaging the owner or massaging other things in the house. The kneading is aggressive and damaging. Indicates that there is something wrong with the beloved cat. Especially if the cat massages and sucks at the same time. Both adult and weaned cats long ago. The more likely the cat is stressed or suffering from some kind of illness.

In cases where your cat’s massaging is painful and leaves scars We may use the cat’s nail clipping method to reduce the sharpness. along with gradual training By paying attention and showing love to cats in other ways instead, such as feeding, playing with toys, etc. We can also reward cats for massage in the way we like. Your cat will soon learn how to knead just the right amount.

Ref : iflscience