Friday the 13th, a day of unlucky and full of mystery, is it true?

Another Western belief that has been around for decades. It also spread the influence of faith to various groups of people all over the world. The story of Friday the 13th is said to be lost. But something unfortunate happened. It is also associated with gods and Satan. There are many events that reinforce the mystery of Friday the 13th, be it natural disasters, tragedies, or accidents that cause severe damage. But have you ever wondered if all of this is really connected?
This point became more interesting as experts started collecting statistics. Ready to check what changes have been made on Friday the 13th and the result is that some people behave differently today. On roads that used to be congested, the number of cars has decreased significantly. more people stay at home And if I have to travel, I will drive very carefully. Surprisingly, some hospitals have seen an increase in cases of traffic accidents. This sounds in contradiction to the number of cars on the road that has decreased considerably.

When delving directly into the statistics of the emergency department Instead, it was found that, overall, Friday the 13th was not significantly different from other days in terms of quantity. But as we almost assumed that the day of the mystical was not real. There is also additional information that The only thing that is common this Friday the 13th is a case of severe trauma. Thus, a question automatically popped up. So why are there so many serious injuries today that it’s noticeable?

From all this information, there are attempts to give the idea that Those who believe in the day of the mystical will surely have more anxiety and caution than usual. Activities that you used to do on a regular basis may be reduced or changed. Of course, it will also affect the overall behavior of people in society. Sometimes anxiety can be the real cause of the mystery. because when fear grows Consciousness and concentration decreased. Confidence is also less. Many decisions therefore go wrong and deviate from the intended point very easily. In the end, we may not come to a conclusion.

ref : iflscience
cr images : kcra , thebalancemoney , midlandhealthcare , bbc