The science of slowing down aging and the key to immortal life. It is something that humans have been trying to study and find answers to since ancient times. Be it myths, tales, places or any type of magical object. They have always been sought and proven by sages and alchemists. No matter how difficult the road may be, the curiosity about immortal life can be diminished. But in the end, it has not been successful until now.
while human beings did their best to obtain this secret. Jellyfish gain immortality from birth. Not all jellyfish, of course. But it is Turritopsis dohrnii, with an adult body size of only 4-4.5 mm. Or will it be born and create a cycle of immortality forever
The interesting life cycle of the immortal jellyfish Turritopsis dohrnii, or immortal jellyfish, is found in all oceans. The life cycle begins with the adult mating outside. become larvae that will sink to the bottom of the sea It then grows and reproduces asexually. before releasing a large number of baby jellyfish Those jellyfish larvae grow to maturity and die after reproduction. That was the first way of life.
Another option is that they go through the reverse process. This is called recessive growth. The adult jellyfish will shrink to a smaller size. Along with changing the shape into a sphere called cysto, then sinking into the ground like an embryo Wait time to form polyps and grow back into jellyfish again. They can do this infinitely. Not just once or twice.
At this point, many people might think that since immortal jellyfish can live forever There must be a huge number of them under the sea. But the truth is that not all jellyfish enter the cycle of immortality. And not all of them are immune to predators. There may also be renewal restrictions that we are not aware of yet. Although there is a prototype, deciphering the secret is not easy.
The Immortal Jellyfish is a tangible prototype. and still have life for us to study together until now But even then it wasn’t easy. There is a research team decoding the genetic code of this animal. and found that the information was abundant and without a definite pattern Nothing is the only key to a cell’s immortality. instead, it is a combination of many factors, such as how cells communicate. Reducing the rate of oxidation reactions that cause cell deterioration cell repair or even extending the length of telomere that helps maintain youthfulness
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All of the above elements have the same effect on human youth. But the problem is that human cells and genetic code don’t have the same properties as jellyfish. Although the nature of human cells can partially repair themselves. But if compared to deterioration, it is considered many times slower. Plus, we don’t have an efficient biological clock reset mechanism like the immortal jellyfish. The only thing that can help slow down aging today is taking some stimulants from the outside, such as hormone injections. taking food supplements, etc.
However, even the information obtained from the study of jellyfish cannot make humans immortal. But there are many parts that are useful for furthering the medical field. which I believe may lead to other, more excellent answers. For the treatment of disease or slow down aging.
Ref : iflscience
Cr images : cienciainfinita , yakutsk-news